When the BigCo Competes

August 19, 2014

in Marketing

If you are attacking an important problem and making waves, it is inevitable that the BigCo’s in your space will try to copy and compete. Today, I ran across a blog post by Andy Powell of the Atlanta-based CallRail talking about Google who has entered their space with a new product.

The post reminded me of times in our history when BigCo’s have started to compete. Andy’s response is similar to how we have responded in the past. Here are highlights:

  • Recognition that when the BigCo begins to compete it is huge validation for your startup’s idea
  • Be polite
  • Be aggressive in sharing how your solution is better so that the market has accurate validation metrics

In the end, competition is more about execution and pleasing the customer than about scale and size. There is no need to fret when you are doing great things with a high degree of competence and deep persistence.

What are your thoughts about handling new BigCo competitors?


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