A Shout Out to Georgia’s Truett Cathy

September 10, 2014

in Education, Personal Improvement, Starting Up

This week, one of Georgia’s finest entrepreneurs passed away. Truett Cathy is the founder of Chick-fil-a. The WSJ ran an article talking about life lessons from this giant. Here are 6 takeaways:

  1. He was an irrepressible optimist
  2. He was a hard worker
  3. He kept his promises
  4. He promoted from within and created a genius fast food business model the envy of other chains
  5. He was generous
  6. He stayed humble

Like many other successful entrepreneurs around town, he went for a number of years operating a modest sized startup until it exploded. He is a great model for what it means to bootstrap until the conditions are right to step on the gas.

I went to Chick-fil-a twice this week in honor of his memory. Eat mo’ chicken!

What entrepreneurial heroes do you like?

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