Raw Lead Digging

June 20, 2014

in Marketing, Starting Up

I love it when team members roll up their sleeves and do startupy things to make a difference. Things like being a little reckless to get in front of an important potential customer. Or landing a speaking slot in a place typically reserved for more industry veterans. Or cold calling by the hundreds, day after day after day. Things that take grit. People working for a paycheck and the weekend would never do those things.

This week I smiled when I pulled into our parking lot. I saw that the car next to mine had a note on its windshield. Being a curious person, I decided to walk around the front of that car to read what the note said. I thought it was probably something either romantic or angry.

It turned out to be a note from one of my team members to the owner of that vehicle. The vehicle had a sticker on its windshield of the Raspberry Pi logo. The startup idea he is working on has to do with Raspberry Pi. He’s doing customer discovery and decided to reach out to that person. Awesome work!


What kinds of raw lead digging things impress you? What startupy things do you do to make a difference?

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