This past week, we had a discussion about the trajectory of Brinktop. We have been talking with people about our plans for selling custom laptops and laptop kits. One of the things that came out of our customer discovery was the option to sell build-your-own Android tablets.
I got really excited by this concept. As a kid, I loved playing with electronic kits, model cars, train sets, and erector sets. As an adult, I still like those things. I love Lego mindstorm, flying model airplanes, quadcopters, etc.
I think there is a great opportunity to pivot Brinktop into a DIY Android tablet market, enabling the tech curious and the builders of the world to own their own tablet device.
Of course, this is just an idea for a pivot. The next step is to actually do the customer discovery to see if the idea is viable.
What are your thoughts on this pivot?
If the price was right I would buy one of these for my son and build it with him. I am not buying a DIY laptop.
Thanks for the feedback Lance!
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