Happy Pioneer Day

July 24, 2014

in Events, Personal Improvement

Today is Pioneer Day. My ancestors were among those who walked over 1,000 miles with all of their possessions to reach the Utah Valley.

The pioneer spirit is very similar to the entrepreneurial spirit. What the pioneers faced in braving wilderness, weather, and unknown seldom traveled paths is similar to what entrepreneurs face in navigating their markets and customers.

Brigham Young, who led the pioneers, is often referred to as the American Moses due to the large number of people (tens of thousands) that he led across that long distance. My undergrad university is named after him, Brigham Young University.

I love learning about pioneers and real stories of those who face adversity and overcome through skill and persistence. (Unbroken by Laura Hildebrand fits that same general theme but is an incredible story of a WWII POW and is a great must-read.)

What stories inspire you?

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