A Glimpse of Heaven – Musical Edition

December 9, 2020

in Religion

The AI bots are getting smarter and smarter lol.

They keep showing me music suggestions about heaven since I wrote the last post.

So why not encourage the bots. Here I am typing in more stuff to write a post to share my favorite videos with you.

Let’s start with one by Avicii.

Lyrics are here.

Step out into the dawn
You pray 'til, you pray 'til the lights come on
And then you feel like you've just been born
Yeah, you come to raise me up
When I'm beaten and broken up
And now I'm back in the arms I love

If you haven’t seen his documentary on Netflix, it inspired me during that time frame in June when I was struggling with my health. What an inspired man and tragic death. Here’s the trailer.

This one talks of love in a motivational and patient sort of way.

Lyrics are here.

When you walk away, the quiet is so loud
I'm counting the days and hoping you'll come around
And I see your face wherever I go
Haunting me like a [Holy] Ghost
Oh, you never fade and I cannot cut you out
Maybe in another life, we could be lovers
We'd have each other
We'll be one, just for tonight
Pretend it's forever
When we're together, baby
Feels like we're dreaming and everything's right
Wish you weren't gone by the end of the night
In another life, we will be lovers
We will be lovers, baby

A tribute to leaving sadness behind, in order to find heaven.

Lyrics are here.

Cry, I
You can leave it all behind tonight
Cry, I
You can leave it all behind

Here is a song that inspires my belief in Christ, which to me is a requirement to find Heaven. And to that end, I suppose the good people of the earth from all cultures will have an easier time than we might imagine to accept Christ. Meanwhile, perhaps those of us who lived as Christians will gain an appreciation for the truths mined in the minds of those who were not of our faith.

I imagine Jesus gathering his sheep and favoring the good people of the earth with unbounded love and glory, fully just and merciful.

Lyrics are in the video profile.

I believe in Christ; he stands supreme!
From him I'll gain my fondest dream;
And while I strive through grief and pain,
His voice is heard: "Ye shall obtain."
I believe in Christ; so come what may,
With him I'll stand in that great day
When on this earth he comes again
To rule among the sons of men.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up... To more than I can be

I’ll close with media from my church. The first one inspired my dream.

My mom repeated the lyrics of this song to my brothers and me when we fought growing up.

The Christmas devotional my church held on Sunday was extraordinary.

I literally posted my dream and then immediately sat down to watch Elder Holland speak of the dreams held in the minds of those when Jesus was born in the city of David.

From his talk:

Elder Holland concluded his remarks with a poem by Susie M. Best titled “The Miracle Dreams.”

That night when in the Judean skies
The mystic star dispensed its light,
A blind man [groped] in his sleep,
And dreamed [that] he had sight.

That night when shepherds heard the song
Of hosts angelic choiring near,
A deaf man stirred in slumber’s spell,
And dreamed [that] he could hear.

That night when in the cattle-stall
Slept Child and Mother [without talk] 
A cripple turned his twisted limbs,
And dreamed [that] he [could walk].

That night when o’er the new-born Babe
The tender Mary rose to lean,
A loathsome leper smiled in sleep,
And dreamed [that] he was clean.

That night when to his Mother’s breast
The little King was held secure,
A harlot slept a happy sleep,
And dreamed [that] she was pure.

That night when in the manger lay
The Sanctified, who came to save,
A man moved in the sleep of death,
And dreamed there was no grave.

Watch the whole thing here.

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