License Management for Installed Software

February 16, 2013

License management of installed software can be tricky. No one likes it. Software developer employees hate working on it because it’s not a feature that benefits the customer. Customers do not like the hassle of license file management. Unfortunately, short of distributing installed software without protection, it’s a necessary evil. There are many different ways […]

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Home Grown Entrepreneurs

February 15, 2013

Entrepreneurship is better taught in the home than at school. It’s hard to institutionalize the cultivation of entrepreneurship. There are parallels between the startup community and the home schooling community. Penelope Trunk maintains a blog that crosses both communities, and here’s a post about teaching kids entrepreneurship. At its core, entrepreneurship is about production, creating […]

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Atlanta Tech & Startup Week

February 14, 2013

Next week has so many startup events in Atlanta that there’s even a website dedicated to it, Tech & Startup Week. I’m excited. Here are the events I’m attending and why: Startup Rally / Startup Georgia (new event) Put on by the guys at Hypepotamus, bringing all that energy with it Career Fair there will attract […]

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Startup Idea – Egg Drop Soup in a Can

February 13, 2013

Over Thanksgiving, my father-in-law converted me into a Progresso soup lover. I’ve tried all the soup varieties. However, one of my favorite soups to get in the restaurant is not available in the Progresso soup lineup. There is no egg drop soup in a can at the grocery store. So let the entrepreneur math begin […]

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Atlanta Startup Village #5

February 12, 2013

Another great Atlanta Startup Village tonight at Monday Night Brewery. I love hearing the raw stories of new startups in the area. Always things to be learned from how others are rocking their markets, even if it has nothing to do with technical or high-performance computing. Here are my notes from tonight’s event: Bettercloud Just […]

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Teaching Entrepreneurship – Look to TI:GER

February 11, 2013

I’m very interested in the teaching of entrepreneurship and in the process of tugging talented people away from cookie cutter careers to risky startups. It’s something I think about every time we try to hire talented team members for AccelerEyes (and we’re doubling our team right now so I’m dealing with this topic on a […]

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Quick Startup Valuation Formula

February 10, 2013

I enjoy the weekly rest of Sundays. As part of my Sunday routine I like to catch up on reading, often from my queue in Instapaper. I ran across an interesting article by Ben Horowitz and some class notes by Peter Thiel that presented the same startup valuation formula, basically a tongue-in-cheek position that the value […]

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The Written Business Plan Died Sometime in the Last 5 Years

February 9, 2013

Today I was thinking about those pesky 20-30 page business plans startups used to be compelled to write. When we started AccelerEyes in 2007, the business plan was on the decline, but it was still prevalent enough that we had to write one, and rewrite, and rewrite. What a waste of time! It started out as […]

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Recruiting Georgia Tech Interns and Co-ops

February 8, 2013

In the ATDC CEO Roundtable today, we had a presenter from the Georgia Tech Division of Professional Practice which oversees the Internship and Co-op program. Georgia Tech has one of the oldest internship programs in the country, over 100 years old. I’m a big fan of hiring Georgia Tech students for internships or part-time employment. […]

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Habits as a Competitive Advantage for Startups

February 7, 2013

Yesterday I was speaking with a friend who reminded me of a principle from Stephen R. Covey’s, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Habits are made up of knowledge, skill, and desire. Knowledge allows us to know what to do and why to, skill gives us the ability to know how to do it, and […]

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