On Drones

August 27, 2014

in Education, Engineering, Ideas

Drones have been on my mind a lot lately. Once our new office construction is finished (less than a month to go with that!) we are going to start building drones in our new office shop space.

Our initial plan will be to follow Paul’s detailed blog here. I am excited for the new Go Pro camera too which comes out in October.

The excitement over drones became really big when Amazon Prime did this video last year. Recently, I ran across a really cool Facebook post by Jeremiah Owyang that discuss 10 potential uses for a personal drone:

  1. take pics
  2. home repairs (gutter work, cutting limbs, roof inspection)
  3. carrying around your phone for you
  4. charging your devices
  5. live video chat
  6. run small errands
  7. health diagnostics and basic care
  8. personal security and navigation
  9. personal entertainment (play catch with you)
  10. be a relationship companion (a “Her”)

What are your thoughts on drones and uses for personal drones?


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