Absorbing Ideas from Everyone You Meet

June 8, 2014

in Marketing, Personal Improvement

One of my favorite parts of entrepreneurship is the ability to absorb ideas from everyone I meet and incorporate them in some way to my life or business. I have also found that being transparent and open greatly amplifies the reciprocation and benefit for me. One of the big upsides of the time I spend blogging is the two-way sharing of ideas that I enjoy.

I recently ran across an article about absorbing (stealing) ideas from everyone you meet. Stealing is used sensationally in that title, but the concept of sharing and receiving information with everyone to refine and improve is really important.

This principle is thwarted in several ways:

  • When you hide your information because you are worried that others will somehow steal it (remember ideas are worthless; execution is everything)
  • When you discount the value of talking with people or refuse to engage in meaningful conversations at events
  • When you think you are better than other people and refuse to see the ways you can learn from them; I believe that everyone has things they do better than me and I want to learn about that and how to get better myself in those areas

What are your thoughts on absorbing ideas from everyone you meet?


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