If You Do Heroic Things, You Can Become One

September 19, 2020

in Family, Health, Personal Improvement, Religion

I spent the day with my youngest son, jamming to some good tunes and cleaning the house. I had thoughts as I listened to the artists. In the back of my mind, and the back of the minds of these artists and everyone experiencing 2020, are the issues we face.

First, I have never been able to hear lyrics in songs very well. Somehow, after my coronavirus saga, I am suddenly paying a lot more attention to the words in the songs I hear. There are so many really good songs.

Like this one.

I like the lyrics of this song.

What if everyone made heroic decisions in their spheres of influence, beginning with our spherical skulls. Gradually expanding outward to the spherical world. From there, to infinity and beyond.

It has everything to do with respect and love. With family and tribe. So many people and organizations have their stakes in the ideological ground.

No one’s stake is perfectly placed. Some are better placed than others, in my opinion. But I haven’t perfectly considered everything from the perspective of anyone else. I haven’t even perfectly considered my damn stake in the ground. I like mine, though. I try to improve it regularly, moving it closer to Christ’s position in the space of ideas.

By learning from you! I want to learn to appreciate your stake and learn lessons from how you live your life. Let’s teach each other.

“In my mind, this is what we’ve been waiting for.”

To get there, ya gotta Fight Back against the demons in your spheres. Move your stake if you have to. Make decisions for the good of others and for your own good. God is good. Find God, whatever that means to you.

You don’t have to do what I do. Believe what I believe. That’s how I think. I don’t want that at all. I hope you don’t want people to be the same as you either. Let’s not cancel each other’s cultures. Let’s embrace one another with acceptance and love.

Let’s fight back in passion, yes, but a loving passion, not a hateful one.

“Will you fight back?” Glory comes when you do hard things.

“Taking out aggression with my pen because I trust it.”

There are healthy ways to express concern. And unhealthy ones. If you hurt yourself or hurt others, that ain’t cool. You might reconsider if you say things to assuage pain or to vent publicly.

If you say things that tell people the goodness of your stake in the ground, with the intent to do right by yourself and others, then speak up! I wanna hear the truth wherever I can find it.

My life has been full of truthful lessons. I am pretty sure my parents have never been wrong about anything. And they taught me better than to say something that ridiculous. But to me, they are the heroes of my life, literally.

They are incredible, and I want to keep learning from them, my siblings, my queen Kaylynn, my kids, my friends, and everyone. Heavenly Father, please teach me to walk in the light.

I love you all. It’s been a good Saturday.

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