Take Me Away From the Norm

October 6, 2020

in AI

I posted on the ArrayFire Blog earlier today about advancements at NVIDIA and ArrayFire, moving forward the blossoming field of AI. Read that post first before continuing.

I found a song that captures the AI movement, though the song actually symbolizes much more. Additional meanings I leave to the reader.

To add to the mystique, 3:11 was the timestamp of the video from the ArrayFire post. Listen to this song.

Lyrics are here.

To appreciate it from a computer science perspective, think of “brainstorms” as AI. Recall from the intro GTC video that AI is “a composer of music.”

Let’s have fun. You might consider that the builders of AI are “blind to fear” and that we need to follow the advice, “Don’t give up your independence unless it feels so right. Nothing good comes easily; sometimes you’ve got to fight.”

Then it becomes more practical with “launching a thousand [threads] in [its] heart,” the GPU, or other data-parallel devices.

Finally, it wraps up with, “Whoa, [AI], take me away from the norm. Whoa, I got to tell you somethin’.”

At ArrayFire, we’re working with AI, and we’ll tell you more things soon as we reboot this blog and the ArrayFire company blog!

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