Tonight’s Founder Institute Graduation in Atlanta

April 15, 2014

Tonight was the first ever Founder’s Institute graduation in Atlanta. I have enjoyed mentoring these teams the past several months. They have done a great job and it’s exciting to see all the progress they made. Here are the highlights of tonight’s graduation: Keynote by Jeff Hilimire Got to put in an absurd amount of work […]

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When to Send Email Blasts and Press Releases

April 12, 2014

As I write this post at 2am, I am reminded by a conversation I had earlier this week with Urvaksh. He said I should publish earlier in the day to catch more readers. Some days like today I get caught up in work etc deep on a particular subject and don’t surface in time to […]

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How My PhD Research Was Not Commercially Viable

April 11, 2014

This week I have posted things that connect my Georgia Tech research area to my progression as an entrepreneur. Today I will share a high-level overview of my specific area of research. The area of neuroimaging I studied dealt with a particular type of MRI, called diffusion-weighted MRI. Diffusion-weighted MRI data is formed by biasing the […]

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Why I Don’t Have a Direct Neuroimaging Startup

April 10, 2014

Yesterday I wrote about medical image processing. Today I write about a particular area of medical image processing dealing with the brain:  neuroimaging. MRI scans are good at visualizing internal soft tissues and are used to image the brain. The brain is composed of gray matter, white matter, and cerebral spinal fluid. Gray matter and […]

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Medical Image Processing and Meandering as an Entrepreneur

April 9, 2014

I came to Georgia Tech originally to pursue a graduate degree, mainly because I had no idea how to start a company as I was exiting my undergraduate program. I had tried several ideas as an undergrad that all failed. While at Georgia Tech, I focused my education on medical image processing and computer vision. […]

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Tagged Photos are Perfect for Surveillance

April 8, 2014

For decades, researchers have refined the ability of computers to learn from acquired datasets and use that information to perform tasks. The worry has been that these techniques would lead to overly good surveillance systems. In general, they have not. The biggest bottleneck has been the lack of good “training” datasets to feed to the […]

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Computer Vision

April 7, 2014

Today I continue the short posts on exciting application areas related to things that we do at ArrayFire. Computer vision is an area that continues to explode in useful applications. The phrase “computer vision” was formulated to describe the general goal:  to enable computers with attached cameras to intelligently “see” the same things in those images […]

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Machine Learning

April 6, 2014

This week I will do a series of posts on interesting application topics related to my startup. I will cover:  machine learning (this post), computer vision, and applications in surveillance and medical image processing. These general areas are driving the innovation of many startups today in all sorts of categories. So hang tight and enjoy […]

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Schools and Education

April 3, 2014

I ran across an excellent article yesterday entitled, “Why Schools Don’t Educate,” written in 1990. A major topic of this blog is how to learn what is needed to thrive in a startup. Increasingly, schools are poor preparation for the life of an entrepreneur. Here are the parts of the essay that stand out: Schools […]

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