Thoughts on the Xobni Acquisition

July 3, 2013

Yahoo acquired Xobni today for somewhere around $60M in total consideration (according to Techcrunch). For a company that raised $42M in venture capital with the most recent $10M Series D raise valuing the company at $90M, this acquisition is merely a soft landing for something that was not working out. The investors are cutting their […]

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Virtual Reality is Ripening

July 2, 2013

The technology-enablers for virtual reality is ripening and about to turn a big corner. Many startup opportunities that will flourish in the next decade around virtual reality. Virtual reality is an immersive experience where you perceive that your surroundings are totally different than reality. This is different than augmented reality which overlays virtual elements on […]

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Notes from Today’s Paul Graham Essay

June 30, 2013

I’ve mentioned previously that I pay careful attention whenever a handful of thinkers and bloggers post. Today, two of those posted:  Paul Graham on the topic of investing and Matt Might on the topic of practicing privacy with encryption. I’m using tonight’s post to share my notes on the Paul Graham essay: “There are two […]

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Sales Lessons from Buying a Car

June 29, 2013

Over the past month, I’ve been in the market for a new vehicle. I spent 5 hours today in a Honda dealership and walked away with one. It’s always interesting to watch the tactics of salespeople in different industries. Car sales people are particularly infamous. Here are some observations on sales lessons from buying a […]

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Financial Math for Starting Up

June 28, 2013

David Cummings put up an excellent post yesterday on financial math for startups. He walks through the impact of investing savings versus accruing equity value. The point is that the rewards of startups can be much more valuable than staying in a big company job. The reason most are not in startups is risk. Failure […]

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How Far Will Browsers Go

June 27, 2013

At AccelerEyes, we are experimenting with some amazing browser-based technologies related to our business. We are pushing the boundaries of what can be done in a browser. It is stunning to think what web browsers can do today. Without installing anything, without configuring anything, and without paying attention to the underlying hardware and software components, […]

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Tonight’s Atlanta Startup Village #9 Recap

June 26, 2013

Tonight’s Atlanta Startup Village was awesome. This afternoon I looked at the page for the event and was stunned by the 280 registrants! That’s incredible. My fellow presenter’s tonight were fantastic. In my mind, Umenta was one of the best startup presentations I’ve seen in a very long time. It made me want to […]

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Looking for Book Recommendations on Culture

June 25, 2013

Some companies are incredibly successful at creating rewarding environments for their employees and cultures of excellence. Along with the hiring and organizational changes we’ve experienced this year, I feel a deep desire to continually refine our culture to enrich the lives of our people. As our company brings happiness to the lives of our people, […]

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Training New Employees

June 24, 2013

I’ve written previously about how hiring has been a limiting factor for AccelerEyes this year. We’ve started to turn the corner on that limiting factor (though we continue to aggressively look for ace CUDA and OpenCL developers) and now face new challenges. With our recent influx of new employees, we feel a big need to […]

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Google’s Thoughts on Hiring

June 22, 2013

Today Stephen Fleming shared a tweet that pointed to this NY Times article discussing Google’s thoughts on hiring. My head has been full of similar thoughts this year as we’ve been growing AccelerEyes, so the article resonated with me. Here are the particular parts that stood out to me: Brainteasers are a complete waste of […]

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